Guitar Gym - Pentatonic Alternate Picking Workout #3

This workout will improve your alternate picking and knowledge of the pentatonic scale all over the neck.

A great way to approach this one is to first get comfortable with the workout in the key given and then set a goal of going through all the remaining 11 keys before you move on to another workout.

Doing it this way helps in two ways:

  1. You get to explore the entire fretboard in every key. Invaluable for your overall fretboard knowledge.
  2. You get a concrete goal instead of playing the workout for a few days and moving on before you get the most out of it. After you've done all 12 keys you can assess the progress and do it all again or move on to another workout.

Make sure to watch the entire video so you get all the practice advice and don't miss any details.

As always, I'm here to help if you have any questions!

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